Thursday, February 3, 2011

Prof. Rick Mitchell's CSUN Research Fellows Project Opens in Los Angeles

Rick Mitchell's CSUN Research Fellows' project, a satire on academia's role in the "War on Terror," opens in Los Angeles.

Prof.Mitchell's new play with music set in Afghanistan, SHADOW ANTHROPOLOGY: A Post-9/11 Comedy, opens Saturday, January 15th, 2011, as part of the Company Creation Festival at Son of Semele Theater, in Silver Lake. The play will be running in repertory with three other plays through February 25th.

Liberal Studies Program to Offer Interdisciplinary Minor in Sustainability

Student at outdoor table in leafy setting.
Over the past decade, CSUN's campus-wide sustainability programs have put the University on the cutting edge among environmentally progressive institutions, acting not just to conserve and produce energy but to lay meaningful groundwork for ongoing stewardship on and off campus. Among the latest major campus initiatives, the Liberal Studies Program in the College of Humanities will offer students an academic Interdisciplinary Minor in Sustainability, debuting in Spring 2011.

COH Awarded $100,000 to Create Program in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies

detail of an illuminated page from the Koran.
The National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded the College of Humanities $100,000 to create a new Minor and Program in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (MEAIS), the College is pleased to announce. Led by Gender and Women’s Studies Professor Nayereh Tohidi, CSUN faculty and students have long envisaged the creation of an interdisciplinary Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Program to guide humanities teaching, scholarship, and program development in cross-cultural bridge building, interreligious dialogue, the role of Diaspora Muslims, and the effect of the women’s movement on reformation, democratization, and secularization of Muslim societies.